Windows Domain Card Logon is a Windows Logon authentication system provider based on smart cards / tokens with PKI support. The provider is intended for execution of the two-factor authentication of Windows domain users. The authentication is based on possession of a secure key keeper (smart card or token) with private keys and knowledge of the PIN-code for access it.
The authentication is based on the user public key certificate. The corresponding private key is stored in protected memory of his/her key carrier and the key is available only after the authentication by owner PIN-code. The users public key certificates are issued through the Windows Certification Authority (Windows CA), therefore any additional software is not required.
An important feature of this software solution is the possibility to use the PKI smart cards or tokens without available free memory for storing additional data required by Smart Card Windows Logon system. Also the key carrier may not support (by hardware) algorithms required by the Windows CA. In particular, the software supports smart cards «Social Card» and «GOST Key Keeper» for secure users authentication in a Windows domain.
«Windows Domain Card Logon» provider lets to integrate support of almost any smart card / token for Windows domain authentication.